price: £0.79
how consumed: with bread
really, it's hard to make bad peanut butter - there's not much to go wrong (i've had it once: asda smart price. seemed to be made of bitter-tasting oily grit). its nutritious 25% protein/50% fat combo + added ease of use has made it a student staple forever (well, at least back when i was one). lidl's is pretty tasty - as good as most supermarket/branded ones you care to mention, if not quite up there with the poncy organic varieties. crunchy, by preference, for me, but they're both good
perfectly decent. 7½/10

price: £0.75
how consumed: with peanut butter
standard granary loaf (without all the stuff like linseeds that you get in the premium ones) like in other supermarkets, but costs less. quite thin-cut, satisfying malty taste. works as toast, sandwiches, whatever. perhaps just a touch too dry. not much more to say, really: definitely a decent loaf of bread
good work. 7½/10
1 comment:
Better than cardboard and glue . . . I would imagine . . .
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